"Building details"
While not being a "ministry," as such, we do want you to know that our new building has geothermal heating & AC, has ample parking, and is all one level for ease of access.
We use powerpoint and projectors on to the front auditorium walls to enhance our worship. We usually have anywhere from one to four guitarists (electric, acoustic, bass, banjo) on stage Sunday mornings to accompany the keyboard. We integrate a blend of hymns, choruses and praise songs to appeal to the musical tastes & traditions of the varied folks in the congregation.
We have a breakfast fellowship (donuts/bagels/toast/coffee cake/coffee/juice/milk) each Sunday morning at 9am. We have Sunday School at 9:30 with 9 classes for all ages. We have 3 Junior Church classes each Sunday morning during our AM Worship. We have Sunday evening worship at 6pm. We also have our children's program, SNK's (Sunday Night Kids), meeting then also.
Go Green for God
Our Sunday Night Kids have been collecting recyclables for several years now. They raised money that in turn is used for their own programming needs and also some has been given to our missions program and our new building fund. They've been to the community park to help pick up trash & have distributed free canvas shopping bags that are green and have the group's logo on them.
Samaritan Missionary Ladies
Our ladies meet on the first Tuesday night of each month at 7pm, for a time of devotion, fellowship, food & missions projects. They are a crucial part of our missions support in our congregation. These ladies: (1) collect paper products for the Christian Childrens Home of Ohio every February, (2) raise money for our church camp's talent dollar offering every fall, (3) pack Shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child every October/November, (4) collect Campbell's labels for the Mountain Mission School in Grundy, VA, (5) provide bereavement dinners for funerals within our church family, (6) oversee our Church Library & Cradle Roll, (7) provide fruit/cookie platters for our shut-ins at Christmas time (8) co-ordinate the collection & disbursement of our annual Easter 30 Pieces of Silver missions offering, (9) support several missionaries on their own above and beyond those that we support as a congregation.
We appreciate these faithful ladies & encourage other women of the church to join with them!
Sunday Night Kids
The Sunday Night Kids meet every Sunday for an activity/lesson at 6:00. The Sunday Night Kids have also started a Go Green for God recycling program at the church.
The Belmont County Right to Life group meets monthly at BCC on the 2nd Thursday from 7-8:30pm. We discuss the current advances for LIFE in the county, the state, the nation & globally. We believe that LIFE begins at conception and should end at natural death. The Sanctity of Human life demands dignity & respect for the pre-born as well as the aged and infirmed. We endorse 4 crisis pregnancy ministries in the area: Gabriel Porject in Barnesville, Miracle of Life Support Group in St Clairsville, Wellspring in Cadiz and AIM in Steubenville.
We have literally thousands of titles of books, videos, CDs and DVD's on a multitude of topics! There's plenty for the children, for men & woman, boys and girls. There're adventures, Christian fiction, basic Bible stories, topical books (family, finances, spiritual growth). We appreciate Ruth for her many years of service & now Ladonna and Jeanette are keeping it all running smoothly. The Samaritan Missionary Ladies have put much time, money & LOVE into this wonderful resource and ministry!
A large truck with a variety of produce comes to the Union Local High School from the Mid Ohio Food Bank every 1st & 3rd Thursday each month for a food distribution from 9:30-11:30am. Folks from the area are able to get a lot of good, healthy & fresh food. There is a registration and some brief background info is required.
Generally, once or twice a month, we hold worship services at area Nursing/retirement homes on Sunday afternoon. These include: (1) the Beacon House in St Clairsville, (2) the Walton Home, (3) Emerald Pointe and (4) the Barnesville Health Care Center in Barnesville. It is a joy to bring a special time of spiritual celebration to the lives of those residents! You can join with us! We must not forget or neglect these dear souls!
Project Manna is the food pantry ministry of the Union Local School District. They are housed at the Bethesda United Methodist Church. Food staples are given out on the 2nd & 4th Fridays monthly, Feb-Nov. A large Christmas distribution is the highlight of the year in Mid-December. Much more food and gifts and clothing as well are given out to those who sign up. No government money is involved at all, this is all done through the generosity of community churches, businesses, and individuals. Recipients must live in or attend church in the ULSD and are only allowed every 60 days. Also, there are many other helps available--various listings of Belmont County agencies that can assist with help for utilities, children's needs, abuse situations, veterans needs, Seniors, etc, etc., as well as employment agencies information. Dawn Livingston/Epworth Center heads this up. Phone Number is: 484-4705